Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cookies, Tarts and an Externship!


These past three weeks have been so crazy, and I don't know where they went! I wasn't necessarily busy; just constantly occupied with homework and stressing over my externship situation. I had the class "Cookies, Tarts, and Mignardises," and it went by so fast that I almost feel it didn't happen at all. For those who don't know what mignardises are, they are basically small, 1-2 bite desserts that are usually served with tea. They can be anything from little cookies, to tiny cakes, just as long as the item is dainty.

For the most part, it was a simple class, concentrating basic concepts. We started out with learning a variety of cookies, from icebox (sliced) cookies to bar cookies. A lot of the cookies were from different countries, especially Germany (maybe because our chef was German?). Probably one of my favorite things I made was the macaroons.
French Apple Tart

About halfway through the block we moved into learning different tarts. Now, tarts are NOT pies. Tarts have straight sides, and never a top crust. Also tart crusts are usually made out of a basic cookie dough or puff pastry dough, while pie dough is much flakier. After making an apple strip, a French apple tart, and an alsatian apple tart, I was quite tired of apples by the last day of class!

At the end of class we had two separate final practicals: a cookies practical and a tart practical. They were on two separate days, the first one being the cookie practical. Everyone drew two types of cookies at random that they must produce. For the tart practical, everyone had to make the same two tarts: a lemon meringue tart and an alsatian apple tart.

My Tart Practical
So, although this class itself was quite relaxing, I was finding it hard to be just as calm. I still did not have an externship site secured, and I had only about a month left to find a place to hire me. However, just last week, it was settled with Hotel du Pont, in Wilmington, Delaware, that  they will hire me for my externship.I will work for them for 18 weeks, starting in early December, and going through mid-April. I am so excited about this, since Hotel du Pont was my first choice! The hotel has a 4 star and 4 diamond rating, and owns a prestigious reputation. With it being only 20 minutes from my house, I will be able to live at home. I am glad to be with my family for five whole months, especially during the holiday season!

Even though, at times, it looked as if things would not work out, I am reminded that God always has everything in His hands. He has a plan, and there is no need to stress over it. All we must do is put our faith in Him, and we can be sure that He is watching over us.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but, in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the the peace of God, which trancends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 
-Phillipians 4:6,7

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